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The big five markers

Dwelling into personalities that could be used for human resource development.

According to trait theory or personality disposition theory 1,  a trait is a  habitual pattern of behaviour, thought and emotion that are relatively stable over time.

And five traits can be more or less be looked upon in an individual.2

1) Extroversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)

Extraversion is characterized by breadth of activities (as opposed to depth). A pronounced engagement with the external world. Meanwhile introverts  are more independent of their social world than extraverts. People are a combination of extraversion and introversion.

2) Neuroticism and Emotional stability  (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)

Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or depression. These are negative emotions that can cause instability in the metal composition. Its definition being low tolerance to stress or aversive stimuli. At the other end of the scale, emotional stability  means less easily upset and less emotionally reactive.

3) Agreeableness

This  reflects individual differences in general concern for social harmony. The value placed on getting along with others by being considerate, kind and generous.  Low agreeable means less likely to extend themselves for others.

4) Conscientiousness (meaning dutiful and diligent)

A preference for planned rather than spontaneous activity. Related to ways people control, regulate and direct their impulses. High conscientiousness is often perceived as stubborn and focused . Low  conscientiousness is associated with flexibility and spontaneity.

5) Intellect/Imagination/Openness to Experience

High openness means intellectually curious, open to emotion and willing to try new things. Individuals with high openness  pursue self actualisation specifically by seeking out intense, euphoric experiences. Individuals with low openness gain fulfilment through perseverance and data driven pragmatic ways.

Some natural pattern of behaviour thought or emotion, that is a trait, could give a person an advantage in a position.

